

As a doula who supports birth diversity know that wherever you end up going, I will support you.

  • fertility challenges
  • pregnancy after loss
  • birth in any trimester, with any outcome
  • adoption
  • choice termination
  • unexpected loss
  • NICU grief
  • bereavement support

Every parent and every birth is diverse, so is the care they receive. It takes time, compassion and a deep understanding.


The work of a birth and bereavement doula is hard to define because it is unique to the situation. It is supporting each of you physically, ensuring your needs are met, and taking care of the little things that mean a lot during this difficult time. I will stay alongside you for support and to listen as you walk your unique journey. There are so many decisions to make and you have many options. Together we will explore ways to nurture each of you, how to honour your baby, create keepsakes that will help you in the future and connect you with community resources.

As your doula I will:

  • Create a sacred space and hold space for the family
  • Hold hands and walk the family through their journey (for the duration of their processing and healing)
  • Ensure the small things are taken care of (sibling/pet care, food chain, bills and household chores)
  • Connect the family to individualized resources and support groups


Here are some things that your doula can help with:

Before the birth

Creating a birth plan- This is not what you had planned, in fact none of this is going as you ever imagined. Your birth wishes may not have changed, and maybe they have changed completely. We will create a completely personalized birth plan that takes your needs and desires into consideration.

Offering a listening ear and accompanying you to appointments- When it feels like everyone has their own piece of advice, unwelcomed words of wisdom or no words at all, your doula will be the welcoming relief you are looking for. By accompanying you to appointments I can hear the things that were said you have have not been able to take in.

Support during the birth: No matter where your baby is born, I will be with you. Sometimes it is too much to have someone physically present. You may need a voice on the line to check in with, reassurance of what to expect, and knowledge that you are not alone. For others the physical support, touch, caring and compassion makes a difference. Your experience matters.

After the birth: Your support may continue for the weeks and months to come. After the dust settles, the service is over, your body is healing and your family have all resumed their normal lives, where has that left you? How do you return to the life you had before conception? How to deal with this is the biggest question. You will need to go through the grief process. Feel what you need to feel. Most importantly you need a support system, people you can talk to openly about what has happened and what you are going through.


I am here to serve your family at NO cost during these darkest days. Please contact me any time, day or night, to access this doula service.

You will always love your baby and will never forget them. Always remember, you are not alone.


Sometimes families, loved ones or friends wish to ‘pay it forward’ to other families in need. In these cases, I accept gifts in honor or in memory of loved ones. These love offerings make it possible for me to continue to offer bereavement services at no cost to the families in need. All funds collected go straight to covering the costs of serving families going through a pregnancy loss.

If you wish to contribute to this special service I am thankful to be able to offer and will be happy to pay it forward to the ones in need. Please contact me at michelle@birthbeginnings.com